John Patrick Consulting Group


talent planning 


There are many reasons why you might have one or more open positions. Turnover, promotions, expansion – expected or unexpected, it’s always a good idea to have a plan. Our Talent Planning suite provides businesses the opportunity to calibrate their key talent, and evaluate their performance and potential, pencil in some succession possibilities, and begin the process of developing their team into their next roles. Identifying talent, organizing developmental competencies around business strategies, calibrating all leaders, and committing to a solid developmental strategy for each high-value individual are critical steps for creating a vibrant development culture.

Many employees highly value a career path – 76% want opportunities for career growth, and many consider advancement opportunities a critical factor in both job satisfaction and company culture. Here’s how we can help:


Assess talent alignment around business objectives

Custom Talent Planning workshops with senior leadership teams

Collaborative, aligned development of career pathing strategy

Update necessary talent development processes or build custom

Succession planning exercises and templating

Performance and potential training 

Build development plans to match organizational culture

Sustainability through continuing coaching and mentorship